He added that between 10 and 20 percent of all child-abuse cases also involved spouse abuse.
Drug trafficking and spouse abuse, practically unheard of before, are now serious problems.
So now I have a classic case of spouse abuse on my hands along with everything else.
Of the 1.7 million cases handled by legal service lawyers last year, 33 percent involved family matters like child support, spouse abuse and divorce.
"Do you mean by a stranger, or are we talking spouse abuse?"
I don't want to have spouse abuse in my house.
There is very little "spouse abuse" as such.
The same followed with spouse abuse, and in 1977 it was not a crime for a husband to beat his wife.
Law enforcement officials consider spouse abuse to be the single most underreported crime in the United States.
The Court does not and will not protect everything done in private (spouse abuse, the taking of narcotics, etc.).