The car pulled away from the viewpoint and headed towards the sprawling base.
The troops would fly into Bagram, a sprawling base built by the Soviets during their occupation of Afghanistan.
At Subic Bay, officials said it could be two months or more before full electricity and water services were restored to the sprawling naval base.
Only a minimum security force was on duty at the sprawling base which was located two miles from the main Atlantic-side Canal locks.
The issue is especially sensitive at this sprawling base in northeastern Alabama, which trains the Army's military police and chemical-detection specialists.
At one corner of the sprawling base he found a battalion of Marines.
It was the fifth attack on the sprawling base, known as Zhawar Kili, in a week.
The laser, installed at a sprawling base in the New Mexico desert, is run by the Army.
The monastery today is entirely destroyed and a sprawling military base occupies the site.
TWO miles up the road is a sprawling military base with a budget of more than $1 billion, where 4,750 people come to work every day.