He, too, worked at the headquarters, driving Iraqis into the sprawling compound.
He touched his hat and waited for them to open the gate, then drove into the sprawling compound.
A bright Iraqi flag flew over the sprawling compound for the first time, fluttering under a laser-like sun.
The Force reached the open gate and hastened away from the sprawling compound.
For more than a week since the initial strikes, little that has been visible to the eye has stirred in the sprawling presidential compound.
It was a sprawling compound, with a low central house constructed close to the water source and a four-bay garage to the north.
He looked out over the sprawling compound, which was guarded on all sides by a high, fully electrified fence.
She gets a couple of calls from Zhongnanhai, the sprawling compound where China's top leaders live.
North of the city, about 16 Arab families lived in a sprawling compound with many houses.
A loud explosion echoed through the sprawling compound, and the camp went dark.