After the turn of the 20th century, Closter changed from being sprawling estates and farms into an upper middle class suburban town.
When the big car had been parked, the four climbed out and began walking back toward the Norris's sprawling estate.
The model Claudia Schiffer recently finished a sprawling, private estate.
They live in their sprawling estate together with the extended family that is usually warring with one another.
He sat alone in a paneled library in the heart of his sprawling estate.
This changes when she agrees to allow a film production to shoot in a wing in her sprawling estate.
The new Princess of Tuscany had sprawling estates in the region.
She was also stunned by the sprawling estate that she discovered at the end of the climbing, twisting road.
The sprawling estate is said to have "7 bedrooms and 9.5 bathrooms in a stunning three stories, accessible by the elevator."
The sprawling estate of Broadford was built between the mid-1970s and early 1980s.