He lives with his parents and two younger brothers in a sprawling home in the wealthy suburb of Great Neck.
It is a sprawling home, on property that seems to go on forever.
Julien's Auctions announced last month that it would sell the contents of the sprawling home where the singer died in 2009.
But the attic had no dividing walls; one immense cavernous vault capped the sprawling home below.
The Stewarts' sprawling home was on a steep hillside above the road, with open pasture and then a dense woods below them to the south.
For a week the Destons were busy settling down in their low, sprawling home on Newmars.
The drive from Hilo Airport to her sprawling home in the hills above the city was swift.
Then it's back home as a rich man, buying some sprawling home in the Galapagos district and retiring.
As guests streamed in, the beat of Bedouin music floated above the sprawling home into the warm midnight air.
And many of the sprawling homes in town have been transformed into bed-and-breakfast inns.