It's also the rich source for her sprawling found-object installations - works that celebrate the lyrical potential in clutter, the meaningful relationships that people develop with even the most impersonal trappings of their everyday environments.
The show's most complicated meditation on modern mobility is a sprawling installation by Mr. Hirschhorn.
"Roadside Attractions" at the Stamford Museum and Nature Center resurrects the atmosphere of these places in an sprawling, intense installation.
This sprawling installation is an interactive, computer-driven construction surrounded by five large screens.
Since then he has worked for a number of other artists, including Ann Hamilton and Sarah Sze, who are known for their sprawling and labor-intensive installations.
Drawings and prints by a sculptor known for her sprawling, wildly heterogeneous installations.
In a sprawling installation at Nosei Mr. Bedia has drawn, at the meeting of two walls, a monumental figure silhouetted in black, blowing smoke and extending long zigzagging arms.
The various artworks were bound together, via polemical mailouts, deliberately overt thematizing and radically non-hierarchical methods of display, within single sprawling installations with a penchant for what then seemed like visual vulgarity.
There was only one place in Garridan that was both new enough and large enough to house such a mammoth facility: a sprawling, heavily guarded installation near the out skirts of town.
Another component that unites the sprawling installation illustrates "The Ballad of the Toy Train of the New Agitatsia."