Torin paused at the ridge of a dune and looked out over the sprawling land.
Built on a sprawling land with great elevation, and huge towering 'kumbas' are under construction.
The sprawling, crazy, wonderful land of America, certainly.
The resulting pieces emote the slow, powerful energies of expanding cloud formations and the silence of the sprawling land beneath.
That view is spreading in Turkey, a sprawling land of 70 million people who have yearned for decades to become a part of Europe.
On and on they raced, passing through lands they had never seen, vibrant and sprawling and wild.
Turkey, a sprawling land without oil but with plenty of water and military discipline, gives shape to the post-cold-war Middle East.
Meath was a small, familiar kingdom, not a whole great sprawling land full of contradictions.
But the forces that will shape the future of this sprawling land have already been set in motion.
The State Government of Bihar handed over 443 acres of sprawling land acquired from local people, to the University, where construction work has begun.