It was a massive, sprawling place built of polished marble, and he kept a menagerie for his private entertainment.
It is a sprawling, gabled place, with 109 rooms and huge water bills - $27,000 a month, said Alex Madonna, the owner.
But it's just such a sprawling place and it does not have a geographic center.
It was a dark sprawling place with blacked-out windows, good booze, indifferent food, and a rotten reputation.
A vastly sprawling place of bars, and baths, and discrete rooms.
Topsmead is a sprawling place, but most of Connecticut's greens come in smaller, more floral packages.
It's a sprawling place where 200,000 people work and sleep.
It's a sprawling place requiring use of not entirely efficient buses, with a busy through-road.
The restaurant is a sprawling place, with nearly 200 seats over four levels and paintings from the Old Country on the walls.
The country was becoming a sprawling, diverse place too-so why think it unusual for an American family to display some of that diversity?