Inside, the sprawling space has been reordered with half dividers, dramatic lighting and paint.
The only light came from the emergency exit signs, which threw a faint crimson light over the sprawling space.
The reconstruction will change the nature of the exhibition area from a sprawling, modern, open space to a series of traditional, classically styled rooms.
The sprawling, functional space has a large dining bar near the entrance and several seating areas.
To artists like Bob Newmann, a sculptor, such sprawling, inexpensive spaces were a dream come true.
But the artists say they are committed to saving the building for its historic significance and for the sprawling space that is perfect for studios.
They'd rid their whole sprawling space of vagabonds and free spirits if they could.
On the other side of the door was a sprawling underground space packed with troops and weapons.
But despite the sprawling space of the house, being inside made her feel closed in.
A pleasant uproar filled the sprawling space as it came to life.