One of the suspects leaned out a car window with a machine gun and began spraying bullets in his direction.
Bond kept his finger on the trigger and sprayed bullets into the middle of them.
In panic he pulled the machine pistol up, spraying bullets towards the window.
"They were spraying bullets around, even toward the door of the hospital."
There is no sense in causing the extra suffering by just spraying bullets.
Then, 10 to 15 minutes later, he said, two men burst out a side door, spraying bullets.
He opened fire, spraying bullets from right to left, leaving smoke and more than 70 casings on the ground.
He fired a long burst, spraying bullets toward the Volvo.
A bad shot would have sprayed bullets all over the place, hitting rocks or earth at random.
The machine gun chattered on its own, spraying bullets into the ground.