But this requires energy, so few are spraying during this race.
"I was able to reach an American aircraft carrier off the coast, but you know, the fuel was spraying around quite a bit during the fire."
Much of it is a negotiated payment for military cooperation or for past offenses, like spraying radiation on local citizens during nuclear tests.
Experiments have shown that bloom sprays are especially important, and unless disease pressure is high, spraying during shoot elongation appears to be unnecessary.
The only hope was spraying the locusts during a small window just after they hatch and when they are still too young to fly.
The band is known for spraying their fans with the soda, Faygo during their concerts.
Vietnam wants UN help to rebuild its forests, 10 per cent of which were obliterated by spraying during the war.
Layers of ice were created by spraying approximately 530 gallons of water during a period of several days upon the structure.
Bake until the breads are golden brown, about 30 minutes, spraying them with water a few times during the first 10 minutes.
The beams were rigged with high-pressure jets that sprayed water during the stunt.