Before the first heavy defence position could fire one shot, they began to spread death and destruction over the Springer world.
Should the Communists win here, they will spread death and destruction elsewhere, even in Europe.
The blasts were not huge, but large enough to spread destruction up and down the walks, which were stained with blood.
We want to work with you, to spread terror and destruction in your name!
But why spread wholesale destruction on two worlds when we can probably achieve our goal peacefully?
There were the drugs of the Hashomi, the drugs that could spread madness and destruction through a whole city.
They were all infamous berserkers who spread fear and destruction throughout the North.
Military officials acknowledge using cluster bombs, which carry more than 200 bomblets designed to spread destruction over a broad area.
Land mines used to be a military weapon, nowadays they are an instrument of terror which in the wrong hands spread death and destruction.
Many would have spread "death and destruction" like some plague!