In interviews during the early 1990s, members of the scene presented themselves as misanthropic Devil worshippers who wanted to spread hatred, sorrow and evil.
In the early 1990s, many Norwegian black metalers presented themselves as misanthropic Devil worshippers who wanted to spread hatred, sorrow and evil.
At the same time, the Vatican became aware of the power of books to spread evil, to subvert men's minds and hearts and cause them to behave in ways harmful to society and religion.
Could Argo make it in time before the medallion lands in the hands of salamangkang itim who wish to destroy and to spread evil in Saladin using the medallion's powers?
It can prompt us to "spread evil, vicious, lying gossip on people, because you are trying to pull them down in order to push yourself up."
However, those striving to serve Him were a precious few compared to those using computers and every other medium to spread filth, corruption, sin and evil.
He claimed he wanted to spread hatred, sorrow and evil.
Randolph Carter himself had once warned Dylath-Leen's peoples that the traders were fiends not to be trusted, whose only desire was to spread horror and evil throughout all the lands of dream.
"Those we had received with open arms and treated equally with Lebanese are the ones spreading evil in the south," he said.
The scene members were fiercely anti-Christian and generally presented themselves as misanthropic Devil worshippers who wanted to spread hatred, sorrow and evil.