"We think Dominique's preparing to launch an online campaign designed to spread hate, inspire riots, and destabilize governments."
No they just spread hate and divide people even at a sporting event.
The jihadist enemy has learned how to spread hate and how to kill - and it is still doing both very effectively three years after 9/11.
Finally, radio broadcasts which spread hate and fear in the region needed to be terminated.
How much is she getting paid to spread hate ?
And if you're American, you should actually just shut up entirely, coz it's your evangelists that come here and give our churches money to spread hate.
"It is appalling for people to come to our village to spread hate."
Though no one can see him, Hollow Face lurks in the corners, desperately desiring love but only knowing how to spread fear and hate.
He spreads suspicion, separatism and hate wherever he goes.
He convinced Jupiter to let him into Earth as Venus was allowed onto it, planning to spread hate.