The three young women were spread around on the couches in a way that said they didn't know each other.
He was a most unhappy man who spread gloom about him in a most aggressive way.
Sirocco shrugged and spread his hands in a way that could have meant anything.
It has spread, in a limited way, to neighbouring countries such as Uruguay.
It spreads laterally in a vigorous way rather than growing upright.
By March 1349 the disease was spreading in a haphazard way across all of southern England.
He spread his simuloid arms in a comical way.
The popularity of the medium gives Chinese citizens the opportunity to spread their opinions in a way that was not possible before.
Thus the dark matter would be spread around in a way that mimicked but exaggerated the initial fluctuations.
This will cost the same as originally planned, but will spread the costs in a way preferred by the unions.