The slightly larger scale and brassiness of this arrangement render the houses clustered around it superfluous and a bit bland, a feeling that spreads inexorably to the surrounding townships.
It is likely that at least as many innocent people will die as have already died - more than 200,000 - and that the conflict will inexorably spread outside the former Yugoslavia.
None of the usual treatments worked, and the disease had been spreading inexorably in Agro IlI's direction.
So the greys have been spreading inexorably northwards through England to the point that they're threatening the Borders of Scotland.
When a segregation distorter arises by mutation, it will spread inexorably through the population at the expense of its allele.
It's incomprehensible that we're allowing the madness of Darfur to spread inexorably into two more countries.
But modern communications, and the government's grudging baby steps toward democratic reform, he argues, may be the first cracks that, spreading inexorably, could bring down the House of Saud.
He rolled over onto his back, and couldn't for a second figure out that darkness up there, spreading inexorably from one end of the pool to the other.
The fear spreads inexorably into the brain, erasing the memory of just about everything useful except how to flee.