But since they threaten to spread misinformation to younger readers, I feel compelled to speak out.
In the past few weeks, a self-proclaimed medicine man has been stirring up people against Isabella, spreading rumors and misinformation.
This, however, is no excuse for a writer to spread misinformation on a subject that many people would like to read about.
The attack for misusing their pens may mean they spread false rumors or misinformation.
"This was not an attempt to organize his staff to spread misinformation about the progress of the war in Vietnam," he said.
Jordan withdrew their credentials on Wednesday, saying they had spread misinformation.
There's been a global deception that's spread misinformation throughout more countries than I want to think about.
That ought to keep him too busy to spread misinformation.
No need to spread dangerous and harmful misinformation, Richard, about Africa being all-cozy and safe.
As a result of this, only a few spokesmen are involved in this dossier and it is very easy for outsiders to spread misinformation.