There was a light, a pale glow that spread sideways and up.
Raphael stood talking to someone; his wings were spread sideways and Damiano could not see through them.
The first tiny popping and it spread sideways, a burning leaf swirled upwards.
Natural forces acted within it: bubbles of gas pushing up, water percolating down, molten rock spreading sideways.
These sounds they make throughout life, generally in a threatening attitude with head down and wings spread sideways to present their upper surfaces forward, umbrella-like.
Linguists and sociologists recognize the phenomenon, however - a secondary, sideways spread by association.
Gallagher's heart froze when he saw a crack appear in a bulkhead that spread downward and then sideways across the hull plates.
Volcanic material is welling up along that ridge, and spreading sideways.
Glacier ice in those circumstances must have "backed up" and spread sideways.
He paused, pointed at a haze that was spreading sideways from the growing knot of light.