Differences were that the rooms were arranged in a 10x10 grid identified like spreadsheet cells like 'A1', and you're searching for a dragon rather than a wumpus.
This is a man who has favorite spreadsheet cells.
The program creates what look like spreadsheet cells, which you simply fill in.
I got them to add Variants, a union data type that could hold any other type, because otherwise you couldn't store the contents of a spreadsheet cell in a variable without a switch statement.
Another new feature is the Auditor, which allows the user to see all the spreadsheet cells that affect a given formula.
The program can also "read" spreadsheet cells aloud, so it can verify audibly that you have entered the right numbers, a real boon to the arithmetically impaired.
One simply uses a macro to copy the new values into the spreadsheet cells holding the initial values to obtain the solution in short order.
Integration is achieved through the RESTful API which allows for publishing of data-mapped spreadsheet cells as web services.
It shows the same number of spreadsheet cells or Web-page columns, but at a larger size.
For example, I knew that users would want to copy the value of a spreadsheet cell into a variable: