They watched as sprightly men in wheelchairs (who were probably sitting on weapons or drugs, Officer McAnany said) and women with no front teeth watched them.
Soon we were joined by Ali, a small, sprightly man with a tonsure haircut, who rode with our luggage on his mule.
In what seemed miraculously little time (the driver from Dunbar meanwhile leaning against his car and watching with sympathetic interest), a sprightly gray-haired man of about 60 arrived.
Mr. Bridges' father, Auston, a sprightly man in an open-neck plaid shirt and a cowboy hat, refused to take credit for his son's manners.
Ivan returned then, along with an old, but sprightly man dressed in a tan-white tunic and matching trousers.
Ostermann, a sprightly, short man who is passionate about football, was asked why he had missed that one game.
He held himself stiffly now, yet despite his white hair and seventy-four years he was a sprightly man with a disposition toward smiles and laughter.
Mikhail Gershman, who lives next door to Mr. Foressie, said that he was a sprightly man "more like 32 years old than 61."
"We go in and we don't want to play the $20 right away," said Wan Yi Fang, a sprightly man of 77.
At that moment a sprightly little man with freckles and graying red hair bounced over and leaned on the table.