This year's unusually heavy snow fall, plus a spring blizzard, added a lot of extra moisture that had to go somewhere when everything started to melt.
A Trailways Bus finally arrived here after a three-and-a-half-day odyssey from Kansas City that included a holdup of passengers reminiscent of the Old West, a fierce spring blizzard and two breakdowns.
- March 1920), died saving her young son during a spring blizzard in North Dakota that also killed 33 other people.
As at Yellowstone, very dry weather (a winter of almost no snow, an absence of spring blizzards) and 60 mile an hour winds nullified heroic firefighting efforts.
LEAD: After just one victory, a calm seemed to drift over the entire Oiler organization and, as if in celebration, a minor spring blizzard painted the town white today.
In a shuttle of this class, it was not a long journey but their destination was lost in the swirling mass of a first-rate late spring blizzard.
The bus was caught in deepening snowfall a few miles south of Towner, caught in the kind of spring blizzard that ranchers dread.
He missed a day of work back during the spring blizzard in 2003, but that's the only other time I can remember.
The snow still fell, a mild spring blizzard, much pleasanter than the relentless rain of the Thaw just past.
The crash site was identified on Sunday, but a spring blizzard had made it impossible for a full-scale search to begin immediately.