Another task in the spring cleanup is cutting down of weathered stalks.
A negative: these piles of half-rotted leaves do make spring cleanup harder.
Excelsior and Styrofoam popcorn are unruly, and likely to blow about the yard and add to the chores of the spring cleanup.
For This Week: Use a stiff metal rake over the lawn to finish spring cleanup; add leaves and small debris to compost.
Begin spring cleanup of garden and lawn as weather permits.
The yard needs a thorough spring cleanup: remove dead grass, leaves and twigs, dropped tree fruits and other debris of winter.
Accordingly, the once-Herculean task of balancing the budget in 2002 has been downsized to the proportions of a vigorous spring cleanup.
Proceed cautiously with spring cleanup in case these small wonders are around.
After the lawn and border have been given their usual spring cleanup, then it will be time to go over the plans for the new garden year.
The spring cleanup began at Kim Newman's apartment in San Francisco the weekend before her mother-in-law was to visit.