A spring-fed stream that flowed year-round provided water.
The falls are on a short spring-fed stream that plunges into a small canyon on the south side of the Niobrara.
A spring-fed stream, with an average water flow of 5 million gallons/day, extends the entire length of the cave.
The spring-fed stream would provide clear drinking water no matter how befouled The River might become after hundreds of people used it for their needs.
Sand Creek is a spring-fed stream with a consistent water temperature that is ideal for raising fish.
The gorge includes many spring-fed streams, a variety of plant species and wildlife.
This spring-fed stream is a fishing destination for its native brook trout, and introduced brown trout.
Further north, it is joined by three unnamed spring-fed streams.
Silver Springs is a common type of spring-fed stream in Florida, with a constant temperature and chemical composition.
The tract was composed mainly of wooded hills divided by spring-fed streams.