Front right: Charme de France Brie will delight the connoisseur with its creamy taste and springy texture.
It has a firm, slightly springy texture and melts easily, so is great to cook with.
Buttermilk brings out its tanginess, and the two combine to produce a springy texture in a cake.
Their flavor is mild, with about the same firmness as cheese, but with a springy or rubbery texture.
It's plainer but no less delicate or sweet, with the springy texture of lobster.
In both dishes, it was the fresh, sweet taste and the firm, slightly springy texture of the fish that hit you at first bite.
The chocolate-coated yeast doughnut is also excellent, with bittersweet chocolate and a dense, springy texture; $1.50 each.
Nests are usually woven of fine grasses, giving them a springy texture (Wetmore et al. 1984).
(The most common flaw of microwaved food is a gag-inducing springy texture.)
Its appeal is its silkiness and toothsome quality, with a springy texture achieved when the wheat dough is kneaded underfoot.