He was a spry older man who led you through this entire floor, piled high with all sorts of Delaney card and books.
Marmaduke watched with pleasure, amused to see an old man so spry!
He was a spry old man, and she felt a trembling in his fingers.
"The real estate agent feels it is not in good shape at all," the spry gray-haired man with the round black glasses grumbled.
I can't understand a spry man of the union finding no work to do in Chicago.
"I've never cared about them; I'm too old to start now," Picasso replies, an extremely spry man of 74 at the time.
"Then he's a mighty spry dead man," Joe declared.
The vicar was an elderly man, but spry and bright-eyed.
"I think you'd be surprised how spry a man of a hundred can be," Professor Walsh said quietly.
During this string of disappointments, Ernest has become a spry but aged man.