Regina refuses, on the spurious grounds that Emma had not eaten the turnover as planned.
Helva called a halt to what promised to be a round-the-chrono affair, on the spurious grounds of some critical computation.
But read a little further and you'll find that the headlines were cooked up on spurious grounds.
They supported Saddam, and then when it no longer suited their interests, they got rid of him, and on spurious grounds.
I don't want him walking away from the contents of that safe on the spurious grounds that somebody else must have planted whatever's in it.
At least once an hour someone would come to find me on the spurious grounds of a spelling inquiry.
She said: "Never in my experience has an institution at the heart of the British constitution been marked down for destruction on such spurious grounds.
I have to say that these are spurious grounds for complaint.
I also notice efforts to undermine the proposed Services Directive on the same spurious grounds.
All too often, European governments have on spurious grounds failed even to apply the EU's own travel ban and other restrictive measures.