Sometimes Lordsmen squads swept through Tep's Town and rounded up any Lordkin unlucky enough to get their attention.
The squad swept the Southern Conference Tournament, with their closest victory an 11-point win over Richmond in the semi-finals.
The squad swept the first round with a 5-0 record and beat the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Mozambique before losing to Mali, despite the fact that Senegal had beaten Mali 48-37 just 4 days previous.
Three other members were heavily lobbied, with squads from both camps sweeping across the House floor and hovering over them until they voted.
While the professor slept, a squad of military police swept the Gustloff in search of deserters.
Alucius thought he saw several riders that weren't his troopers trailing behind Armon and Hansyl as his squad swept behind the windbreak.
In July 1944, American warships were bobbing on the Pacific horizon when a squad of Japanese soldiers swept through this old Spanish fishing port.
With Alucius at the point, second squad swept into the back of the raiders.
Nor did it work when, seemingly only moments later, he tried to keep the boy from falling asleep in his mother's arms as she hurried from the house as Kodos' squads swept the street.
He appeared in all 4 games in the tournament, including a start against Japan, as the squad swept their way to victory.