He smashed through the door and found himself standing in a squalid, one-room apartment.
Three malnourished girls who apparently have had little contact with the outside world have been found living in a squalid apartment, unable to speak, the police said.
The hostages were held in a squalid apartment on Sutphin Boulevard, which has been the site of prior narcotics raids, the police said.
Arnie lives alone in a squalid apartment on the Upper West Side and collects calendars.
After her death, Tom quit the group and became an alcoholic shut-in, living in a squalid apartment and drinking himself to death.
He helped bring order to the family's once chaotic and squalid apartment.
Twice, they found people dead in squalid apartments.
He welcomes guests to his squalid apartment and clears mounds of junk off the couch so they can sit to watch his videos.
He found himself in a squalid high-rise apartment (describing it as a "crazy all-male dormitory"), waiting for his assigned roommate to show up.
Drug paraphernalia was strewn around the squalid apartment, he said, and the acrid-sweet smell of crack cocaine hung in the air.