Then, drawing a deep breath, he turned and left the squalid room.
He described the cell as a squalid room without windows or ventilation.
When they came into her squalid room back at the hotel, it was a quarter to three.
He spent 10 minutes with her, disgusted by her squalid room.
Leda looked around the squalid little room, her throat full of rage.
There was a marked contrast between the two men who were holding this meeting in the squalid room.
Also, he and Ruth were going to move from the squalid rooms where they lodged, to a better place.
Turning, she gazed around the squalid room that had been her home for so many, lonely years.
Matthews rasped at me again, from across the squalid room.
The man called "Dirk" was seated in the corner of a squalid room.