Doctors and relief workers in Kigali are toiling day and night against overwhelming odds to save the lives of children and women encamped in squalid settlements dotted around Rwanda's blood-drenched capital.
We went to the coast, to the squalid human settlement of Merika at the mouth of the White River that calls itself the capital of Tuzamen.
Developers of colonias, the squalid settlements that line the Texan-Mexican border, will have to provide their new residents with sewers and clean running water under a bill Gov. George Bush of Texas signed on Saturday.
Barda Qaraman, a squalid settlement of about 450 Kurds, is a destination for victims of all types.
In this vicinity all villages, from the largest to the most squalid settlements, were carefully marked on the charts, undoubtedly for purposes of Harkonnen taxation and exploitation.
Though the background radiation affected their scanning systems, Bludd was able to detect three squalid settlements.
The displaced villagers were moved to squalid, semi-urban settlements near the river, where they eked out a living by hewing down (and not replenishing) the adjacent forests.
Yet the Mexican immigrants who crowd these squalid settlements along the Texas border are also a source of wealth - for the colonia owners and developers.
Glossu Rabban, the Baron's nephew and temporary governor of Arrakis, had ordered them to fly regularly, to be seen-to show the squalid settlements that Harkonnens were watching.
This wasn't just a squalid settlement, but an entire hidden city.