I can't believe I've done this . . . the thought of just spending a night in this squalid town is enough to make any reasonable person take the next shuttle back to civilization.
It was still the same squalid town that I remembered from wartime.
The next stop on the way to the front lines is a squalid town where he waits to receive orders from the chain of command - Kafka's K. waiting for word from the Castle.
Tarma could not imagine what it must be like to live in that squalid little town.
Many live in the squalid shanty towns around San Salvador, far from their work:
Mother has a secret; but so do Father, Grandfather, Aunt Katie, Crazy Joe the local oddball and almost everyone else in the squalid, rubble-strewn town of Derry.
With the exception of the brick villas of the company executives, Obuasi today looks like a vast and squalid shanty town.
But when the ship's head swung down the river away from that town, Oriental and squalid, I missed the expected elation of that striven-for moment.
I guess the lower ranks had to live in the squalid town outside the gate.
Yet it was perhaps fitting that Jesus was born in this squalid town.