The county's area is 2,816 square km and in 2002 its population was approximately 300,000.
Its area is 5 square km, and around four hundred people live there.
It has an area of 685.73 square km and its population in 2000 was 56.681 people.
The land area of the county is 7,903 square km.
The area of the island is around 67 square km.
Its area is 105 square km, and around 2.15 million people live there.
It is spread over an area of 0.74 square km.
The size of this national park is about 1,553 square km.
The county is 1,303 square km in area and has a population of approximately 910,000.
The built areas of the village take up 3.37 square km.