One was a large, stout, square-faced man of commanding personality.
Then her eyes went to the square-faced man in brown.
A square-faced man gasped as Mat sliced open the side of his neck.
My father's blade was in my hand when I looked at the square-faced man.
A big square-faced man, he had visited Pali High to talk to the students after his son's death.
The speaker was coming in the door, a stocky, square-faced man in blue.
The world on the main viewscreen was abruptly replaced by the head and shoulders of a dark, square-faced man.
It showed a sallow, square-faced man with a black mustache.
He was a square-faced man with the w.ide shoulders and deep chest of mountain ancestry.
The fellow's face went gray, and the square-faced man on the ground sat up suddenly.