She also pointed to one of the biggest problems Mr. Codey has not squarely addressed: the state's woeful child welfare system.
In response, the panel said the state was "refusing to squarely address" the issue and essentially adopted the plaintiffs' proposals whole.
In the time immediately preceding FISA, a number of courts squarely addressed the issue of "warrantless wiretaps".
The Supreme Court has not squarely addressed the limits of signing statements.
Yet those who criticize Mrs. Thatcher have not squarely addressed certain awkward realities in a poignant human tragedy.
In a statement, the companies said, "The tentative agreement squarely addresses the challenging health care costs and competitive issues we face.
He and others also wondered whether Cnet will be too nicey-nicey to continue Mr. Leff's practice of deleting posts not squarely addressing food.
Judge Garrity said yesterday that the agreement "squarely addresses the concerns raised" by creditors.
T'Cael turned his head and squarely addressed George.
Only Rufus Hallmark, of Queens College, squarely addressed the topic.