Howe looked thin as a wraith beside the squat bulk of the company's chairman.
When she reached her block, she could see the squat bulk of her building just ahead.
Edden chuckled, shifting his squat bulk deeper into the hard seat.
Glover's eyes narrowed and he moved so close that Rees felt the pull of his squat bulk.
Across the water the ferry cast off and its squat bulk made a bee-line for the pier.
He immediately recognized the squat bulk of Fontenelli and softly cleared his throat to signal his position.
She sat staring at the squat bulk of the cruiser, and liked it less the nearer she got to it.
Wong flopped his squat bulk on the blowhole's edge.
On the skyline he could see the vast squat bulk of the castle and the phallus of the donjon.
There was someone else with him, looking spare next to Edden's squat bulk, and my bare feet squeaked to a stop.