Taking place mainly in the suburban communities surrounding Manila, rivers over-topped their banks and inundated "squatter" areas.
Formerly the site of squatter areas, the court has one block completed in 1997.
Formerly the site of squatter areas, the court consists of 2 blocks completed in 1998 and 1999.
The estate was built alongside of squatter areas.
The site of Healthy Village was formerly a squatter area.
In comparison, residents of squatter areas - rural regions between cities - produce only 0.17 kg per capita on average.
Mutual aid committees were promoted initially in private multi-storey buildings, and quickly extended to public housing estates, industrial buildings, temporary housing and squatter areas.
The estate was built alongside of squatter areas, which was later demolished for the construction of the estate of 16 blocks in 1960.
It was originally a squatter area, but it was destroyed by fire in 1961.
In the late 1980s, squatter areas consisting of one-story shacks still existed in some parts of Seoul.