The service area squeezed behind the movie screen and between the two first-class heads was empty.
He squeezed behind it and the others followed one by one.
He looked back, and saw it slowly squeezing together behind him.
Cally pressed back against the wall to squeeze behind her father's chair to get to the kitchen.
She turned toward our house, and I squeezed back behind the pillar.
The 1950's brought a series of cars so small that at 6-foot-4 he could barely squeeze behind the wheel.
The car rocked as he squeezed back behind the wheel.
That meant Felgilde had to squeeze in close behind him.
With one final look around, he slid into the back seat and waited while the driver squeezed himself in behind the wheel.
The wall of darkness squeezed closer behind them, though the distance to the throne didn't seem to change.