Mr. Redstone argued that Tele-Communications had used its access to customers to squeeze rivals and suppliers.
This would suggest that the supermarkets are further squeezing suppliers and growers below the point of breaking even.
But Wal-Mart will not be able to use one of its favorite tactics - squeezing suppliers for low prices and thus better margins - with food.
To get there he wants to squeeze suppliers and sell some real estate, but he is also contemplating layoffs, the people said.
But surely these two superstore chains are already big enough to squeeze suppliers quite effectively.
The company aggressively squeezes suppliers and wields its overseas buying power to pass on its trademark "every day low prices" to consumers.
It is far from clear how much scope Mitsubishi Motors has to squeeze such suppliers on price.
As Bill Gates teaches us, a well-functioning monopoly fleeces its customers at one end while simultaneously squeezing suppliers at the other.
Squeeze suppliers until they have to sell up?
"The reality is that their efficiency is in the volumes they have and the way they squeeze suppliers."