The squirrel meat was tough and gamy, but it was juicy and there was plenty of it.
The recommendations are based on one-quarter pound of squirrel meat per meal.
Those who eat only squirrel meat chop up the carcass and prepare it with vegetables in a stew called burgoo.
Simon sighed, contented, and allowed Qantaqa to take the few remaining bits of squirrel meat from his fingers.
She could still taste the squirrel meat from the porridge, and she was still burping new radishes.
He was partial to squirrel meat.
Traditionally, squirrel meat was a common addition.
For two full days he had practiced throwing rocks, and taken his reward in squirrel meat.
"We'll get there in the morning," Paul said as they shared the dried squirrel meat.
After the battle, they eat boiled beef or Brunswick stew (made with squirrel meat), cooked in cast-iron kettles over a fire.