Her cousin said she tried to fight them off but was stabbed in the arm with a steak knife.
Alvarez stabbed the 30-year-old victim several times in the arm, back, and torso.
A 15-year-old boy and a 19-year-old boy were each stabbed in the arm.
"I was stabbed in the arm," he says, as if recalling the weather yesterday.
When he resisted, one of the attackers stabbed him in the arm, the police said.
He was also stabbed in the arm fighting off two muggers on a different night.
She grabbed a letter opener and stabbed him in the arm.
Instead, she stabs him in the arm with it.
A man came and stabbed him in the arm with a spike.
He was stabbed in the arm by a spear during a conflict on 24 October 1896.