While artifacts are undergoing conservation in the laboratory, they are scientifically analyzed and thoroughly documented to prevent loss of information throughout the stabilization process.
The geological stabilization process was based on a geotechnical design involving the use of geosynthetic materials designed to enhance the cohesion and strength of the landslide fill.
It is a stabilization process, reducing odor, pathogens, and mass reduction.
"We're also on a very active effort to attract and encourage other countries to offer forces" for the stabilization process, Mr. Rumsfeld said.
Geordi's VISOR was unmistakable, even before the molecular stabilization process was complete.
In general it supports the stabilization process.
However, challenges including corruption in the Somali institution will be main issue in the stabilization process.
Air-seal lock for holding during stabilization process.
Center primarily on development of self-perpetuating reclamation, biological stabilization processes.
My careful checking had revealed Bell's calculations concerning the stabilization process to be actually quite valid.