The M60A1 was also equipped with a stabilization system for the main gun.
It also has day-night sights and an electric stabilization system.
The T95E1 equipment was installed on a recoil mount, but lacked stabilization systems.
The way the stabilization system worked, the world moving at a different rate than reality, always made him a little queasy.
Four years ago, when the state took over administration of the rent control and rent stabilization systems, officials promised that delays would be eliminated.
The 25mm, especially with stabilization systems, has a max effective range of 2000 meters.
His beloved submersible began to rotate very slowly and since its own stabilization system had been shut off, she didn't even try to stabilize herself.
But its major disadvantage is that it could only work if the moon was visible and the stabilization system worked properly.
The stabilization system must cope with rapid acceleration, up/down and lateral movements.
SPOT 3 is not working anymore either, due to problems with its stabilization system.