However, contrarily to what many pundits observed at the beginning of the 1990s, Lega Nord became a stable political force.
Since that point Lega Lombarda became a stable political force in Lombardy.
And he is not the veteran star, the go-to guy, that Sam Cassell is, or the stable force that Kendall Gill is.
Will he be the stable, creative force the board says it has been seeking, or is there more turmoil to come?
Early on, it provided the government with a stable force to address domestic and foreign problems.
Eventually the dunes may become stable as plant cover increases-assuming disruptive forces such as drought, fire, livestock and human traffic are not present.
A powerful, loving, supportive and stable force in our lives was transformed by the sudden passing of our beloved husband, father, stepfather, brother, grandpa, uncle and friend.
Uzbekistan was repackaged as a "stable and moderate force" by the State Department.
Liga Veneta, which would have become a stable political force in the Region, entered for the first time the Regional Council with two regional deputies.
"Early on, we did so much running around back there," said David Shaw, one of the rare stable forces on defense.