For a recycling program to work, having a large, stable supply of recyclable material is crucial.
And the regions with the most stable electric supply may not readily see what they have to gain.
Securing an adequate and stable supply was critical for future economic growth.
They help provide a more stable, constant supply of levodopa, which makes its beneficial effects last longer.
When compared with other energy sources, nuclear offers low production costs, energy security and stable supplies.
But a stable supply of oil, unlike most commodities, is vital to the economy.
This arrangement provided a stable supply of food and goods which encouraged population growth.
But even before starting work on the dam and power station, a stable supply of electricity was required.
However, the growth of big business requires a stable supply of electricity, something the southern state lacks.
Instead the Japanese drug industry has been shaped by national health policy, whose primary goal was to create a stable supply of up-to-date drugs.