Tambo Memorial Hospital has about 640 beds with a staff complement of approximately 1100.
The current academic staff complement stands at 124, making the staff/student ratio 1:14.
The school has a student body of over 800 and staff complement of more that 40 teachers and other services.
Commensurate with the size of the station, the staff complement was also small.
In the 2011/12 budget the department had a budget of R595 million and a staff complement of 45 civil servants.
The Group has a staff complement of 10,000+ employees and their market research services cover more than 100 countries across the world.
In short, the staff complement has been insufficient to deal with complex procedures and often inexperienced beneficiaries proposing too many small projects.
One first and important step would be for the staff complement in the new office in Katmandu to be increased.
The union has more than 17 offices throughout the country and a staff complement of about 300 serve the members.
There should have been a staff complement of at least ten engineers, but there were none.