When he arrived at the £10 million water testing laboratory the prince was greeted by a host of staff dressed in white coats.
The table service is provided by waiting staff dressed in the traditional rondin, a tight-fitting black waistcoat with multiple pockets, and long white apron.
The staff, dressed in batiks that echo the colors of the mural, is friendly and usually helpful but sometimes rushed.
The pictures had been taken in front of the castle, the whole staff dressed in uniform.
Kaemsekhem was standing with a staff, dressed in a short outfit with a panther-skin over it.
The staff, dressed in black, is easygoing and friendly; I twice had to push my reservation later, and the hostess couldn't have been nicer about it.
The present dining-room staff, dressed all in black, Manhattan style, keeps a keen eye on every table.
The huts would look like they used to and inside there'd even be staff dressed in period uniform.
The school celebrated the 200th year since Nelson's victory in 2005 with colourful events and staff dressed as characters from the day.
The children were fed at their own afternoon affair, served by a black staff dressed as Pilgrims and Indians.