But by 1992, the year before the plant was closed, the staff had dwindled to 87 workers who produced 2 million pounds of snuff.
Ms. Stern and Mr. Stuart wrote that his staff of more than 100 employees had dwindled to 12 by the 1940's.
But holding labor costs steady at $35,000 entails a sacrifice: the staff has dwindled to 17 people, and that creates another problem.
The staff doing this maintenance by computer had dwindled since early last year from 70 to 60.
By Fall 1997, the staff dwindled to two editors, who produced only one mammoth issue.
The staff dwindled to 35 from 53.
Since the casinos opened, Henry Nguyen has seen his staff dwindle from 45 to just a handful - mostly family members.
The 108-member staff of the library in 1992 has dwindled to 60.
With no new gallery exhibits being developed, staff dwindled.
A staff of four has dwindled to one.