The "24 wise men" refer to the 24 staff employees of Flock at that time.
"There is a glut on the downtown market," said a senior Democratic staff employee, sitting in his large committee office.
The hospital has decreased its reliance on agency nurses, who cost more to employ and train than staff employees, to 4 from 54.
The committee announced last Thursday that it was laying off seven staff employees.
In the past decade, Japanese companies have relied increasingly on contract workers instead of hiring costly staff employees.
As part of their Social Security campaign, unions have assigned 36 staff employees to work in 21 states.
In contrast, council members and staff employees pay $30 a person, and $40 more if they bring a guest.
Liberals fear deep cuts in social services and layoffs of staff employees if voters reject the new borrowing.
There are 9 staff employees at the Life Center and more than 80 volunteers, she said.
Counselors are the only other staff employee visible by players within the game.