The staff handled 2.5 million calls last year, while an automated service, available at all hours, took 2.8 million.
The railroad's general counsel and staff still handled all legal matters.
But sometimes, not even well-trained staff can handle some issues and therefore support of an independent consultant is necessary.
I had the feeling that a big hamburger was one of the items the Autopub's culinary staff might handle best.
A spokeswoman said it was because the department lacked the staff and the training to handle the more demanding requirements.
"And probably it is because the staff can handle routine matters - so maybe you'd better show me where you keep the phone."
And he is now involved in a battle with the Giants over how the team's medical staff handled a severe knee injury.
As it turned out, the camp and its staff could not even easily handle the 4,459 prisoners who were sent to it.
As the paper grew it was able to hire mailing companies and staff to handle these tasks.
There would still be chaos outside but his staff could handle that.