The planning staff increased from a handful to about 400.
The staff has increased only 5 percent, and few rooms were added.
The staff of the district have increased test scores over the past few years through programs designed to help students.
Its staff increased from just 30 in 1919 to 600 in 1921 and 767 by 1925.
This leads the organization into public education efforts, where its staff has increased from one to 12 in the last two years.
The staff of the church also increased to include many pastors and other employees.
As a result of these efforts, the organization's budget, staff and presence in Washington greatly increased.
Since this acquisition, the staff has increased to a total of seven editors.
Since 1957, our staff has increased from 35 staff members to over 140.
Buildings, staff, and funding increased with the higher demand for education in the city.